Penzance Accommodation
Self-Catering Accommodation in Penzance
Numerous self-catering cottages, houses and apartments are available throughout the town, along the seafront and the harbourside, all well-equipped for holidays for couples or a larger family group.
Select your preferred location and dates in the Availability checker to find Online Bookable accommodation.
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Online Booking available
Featured Accommodation
Aspects Holidays - Holiday Cottages
4 Albert Street, Penzance. Phone: 01736-754242
Bosuns Holidays - Self Catering Agency
4 Dock Lane, Penzance. Phone: 01736-366746
Other Accommodation
Beachfield Court - Self Catering
4 Queens Buildings, The Promenade, Penzance. Phone: 01736-361110
Daniel Place Cottage - Self Catering
57 Daniel Place, Penzance. Phone: 01720-422409
Mounts Bay Holiday Apartments - Self Catering
Bay House, Alexandra Terrace, Penzance. Phone: 01736-361641
Old Manor of Alverton - Self Catering
Alverton, Penzance. Phone: 01736-362923
Old Seamans Mission - Self Catering
St Anthony's Gardens, The Promenade, Penzance. Phone: 01736-331837
Penzance Seafront Cottage - Self Catering
6 Marine Terrace, The Promenade, Penzance. Phone: 01736-361741
Puffin Cottage - Self Catering
5 Lower Queen Street, Penzance. Phone: 01326-564008
The Regent - Self Catering
Chapel Street, Penzance. Phone: 01736-362946
Sea & Horses Apartments - Self-Catering
6 Alexandra Terrace, Penzance. Phone: 01736-361961
Shepscott - Self Catering
4 Redinnick Place, Penzance. Phone: 01736-366000
St Silivens Cedarwood Chalets - Self catering chalets
Castle Horneck, Penzance. Phone: 01736-367862
Tremayne Hol Flats - Self Catering
Alexandra Road, Penzance. Phone: 01736-740334
Tremorvah Cottage - Self Catering
The Promenade, Penzance. Phone: 01736-363881
West Breeze - Self Catering
Redinnick Place, Penzance. Phone: 01736-741197
Wharfside Holiday Homes - Agency
Centre Managers Office, Wharfside Shopping Centre, Penzance. Phone: 0780-386-2076
Rosevidney Properties Ltd - Self-Catering Complex
Unit 7 Longrock Business Park, Long Rock, Penzance. Phone: 07493 426694