Living in Penzance
Churches & Religious Facilities
Throughout the District of Penwith there are 67 churches of various denominations whilst in Penzance itself there are the following:
Church of England | Methodist | Roman Catholic |
Free Church | Christadelphian | Baptist |
Apostolic | Pentecostal | Congregational |
Quaker | Spiritualist | Christian Science |
Jehovah's Witnesses | Light & Life Centre |
The nearest Mormon Church is at Helston. Other churches are scattered around on the coastline at St Just, Mousehole, Newlyn and inland villages. These churches provide regular midweek and Sunday worship, Sunday Schools, crèche facilities, Junior Church Worship, fellowship meetings, Bible Study and Prayer meetings.
In addition there is a wide range of ancillary support facilities and activities including luncheon clubs, bell ringing, choir singing and youth clubs.
For details, see:-