Economic Development in Penzance
Economic Development opportunities
Development of the local economy is part of the functions of several sections of Cornwall Council, through the Cornwall Development Company and the Local Enterprise Partnership
The main aims of these teams are to:
- Ensure a comprehensive business advice support network with other agencies such as the West Cornwall Enterprise Trust and Business Link
- Provide information on training for businesses through organisations such as PROSPER and Penwith College
- Develop managed workspace facilities to offer ideal accommodation for new and small firms
- Advise and assist businesses and the community on sources of funding and grant-aid such as National Lottery bodies and European programmes
- Stimulate and encourage communities within the District to participate in the development of the area with organisations such as Cornwall Rural Community Council and the LEADER Project
- Support existing businesses and industries and encourage their growth
- Encourage developments which provide wider and better paid job opportunities
- Carefully relate the scale and type of development to the environment and character of the District
- Attract outside investment to the area
The Economic Development sections encourage business growth through:
- Targeted financial assistance and advice
- Advice and support for job creation
- Promoting the area to potential inward investors
- Information on land and premises
- Working with local communities to encourage community enterprise
- Securing funding from organisations such as European Union and Central Government's Single Regeneration Budget in order to fund regeneration initiatives
The Economic Development Teams work closely with other bodies and have been successful in securing funding for the area, both as the Local Authority and as a member of broader based groups, such as the West Cornwall Initiative and voluntary sector members.